Friday, March 25, 2005

Sitting and Waiting at 2:30 in the afternoon

I'm just sitting and waiting, and probably contemplating what to do next.

It's a fairly nice day, and I want to get out, maybe take MB out to eat, compliments of my brother in law who sent MB a take yourself out for dinner easter check, which was actually pretty nice of him, and even though we were never really close, I think it's very noble of him keeping in contact after my sister passed away.

Speaking of relatives. I mentioned my 15 year old grand niece and her blog a week or so ago. Ok, let me set up the scenario. Her blog is hosted by a site that caters to teenagers, and the site also hosts tons of webrings aimed at teens, you know the typical angsty teen things. Anyway, my g.niece is a member of one webring called Watching the Blood Run Down My Arm which to me signifies cutting, ok yeah, big deal, it could be just a morbid curiosity. Flash forward to late last week when she makes a post that includes the passage:
Has anyone wondered why I haven't worn a sleeveless top all this year, even on the hottest days?
Should I be worried?
Should I say anything.
Should I just stay out of it because this is more or less her personal online diary meant for her and a handful of her friends?

I guess I am being sort of rhetorical, because I already know that I am going to worry about it, but just a little, and of course I will not say anything about it.
I used to hear about this stuff back when I was teaching high school, but never knew of an actual case.
But yeah, what do you think?

Edit - Her parents don't know about her blog, and she doesn't know that I know about her blog.

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