Monday, March 21, 2005

Sisters and things

My sisters never really liked each other.
I was going to sugar coat that first sentence and say they never really got along with each other, but no, they never really liked each other.
I guess a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were complete opposites who had to share a bedroom.
M, my oldest sister, was a hard working over achiever, and being the oldest had a lot of extra responsibilities around the house, and with those responsibilities came extra perks.
D, my other sister, a middle child, was an antagonist. She went out of her way to stir things up. My mother was constantly on her case, and D relished it. I guess she figured as the middle child that was the only way she could get attention.
Whenever there was any trouble between my two sisters my parents always took M's side, it didn't matter what the problem was, M was the responsible one, so it had to be D's fault, and to be honest it usually was.
There fights were always minor.
But there was one fight, and yeah, it was D's fault, she went into M's closet and wore some of M's clothes without permission, and M was a neat freak, always hanging everything up, an D was a slob, everything was just thrown on the ground.
Yeah, there was that one fight, M just snapped, and beat the ever loving shit out of D.
I don't really remember the fight. I just know that there was a fight.
It took place in my their upstairs bedroom.
I don't know if my parents were home.
I don't know if my parents broke up the fight.
I don't know what the punishments were, or who was punished.
I just know it was the fight.

Even after my sister's grew up and had families, they were never really close. M married and moved out of state, D married and stayed local, and I guess that had something to do with it.
Plus, they were complete opposites.
And yeah, there was the fight.

About four years ago D drove up for a couple of days to visit our mother after our dad had passed away, and D came over to my house for a couple hours and we were just hanging around and talking about family and stuff, and then she mentioned it, the fight.
She told me she couldn't understand why M beat her up like that, they were sisters, and it was only clothes.

Any problems my parents had with D were quickly forgotten. D grew up, got married, had a couple of kids, and turned out to be a pretty typical suburban mom.

Any problems I had with D were just minor ones, and the older we got the closer we got.

D passed away a couple years ago, and I'll never forget her funeral.
There were tons of people. I guess I never really appreciated how well liked she was.

And there stood M looking completely out of place.

Who says brothers and sisters have to be friends?

Yeah, the fight.

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