Thursday, March 17, 2005

Friday 's child is full of crap

Ok, I think I've had enough introspection for awhile, the three fingers up the snatch pretty much signified that my soul searching phase was over.

Man, I am so bored. I wish someone would come online and chat with me.
I mean, hey, I'm a pretty glib guy, eh, whatever.
Maybe I'll just invent a phantom 3rd mystery friend, who sends me naked sex filled videos of herself, and then everyone would be jealous, and jealousy is good when it is you being jealous of me.

Whoa, a minute ago it felt like an electro shock going through my head.
Damn, there it goes again.
Ok, everything is cool now, but that was a little bit freaky.
Ok, not freaky like dreaming you're Ward Cleaver and the CIA has hired you to do a hit on Fidel Castro, but freaky nonetheless.

Anyway, Wally's out with Eddie, and the Beaver is spending the night at the Mondello's, and as soon as I find that pack of Trojans I bought this afternoon June's gonna lay a little reverse cowgirl on me, soooooo ...
I am outta here.

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