Thursday, March 10, 2005

I totally freaked for a minute

I was sitting here dowloading ... stuff, when all of a sudden I thought I forgot how to breathe. I mean, really, I thought I forgot how to breathe. I kept saying to myself stay calm it will come to you, steady on, don't panic, you can do it, you can breathe.
Then it came to me, like flaming pizza from space, I hadn't forgotten how to breathe, no, my sinus were just stuffed up ... again.
So, I got out the Tylenol Sinus, generic brand, and proceeded to not be able to pop open the blister pack ... sighhhhhhhh.
Scissors, oh yeah baby, scissors, found them, cut open the blister pack, and took two with water.
Oh yeah, for safe measure I used a little of the prescription nasal spray that has been fermenting in a drawer unused for over a year.
And yeah, I'm good, my sinus are clearing up, well, unstuffing up some.
But I am good to go.
Sooooo, the next time you think you've forgotten how to breathe, stop, stay calm, steady on, don't panic, it will come to you, cause I mean you really have to be stupid to forget how to breathe, yeah, either stupid or dead.

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