Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Case of the Vanishing Links

Yeah, I got rid of the link list. I mean what the fuck, it wasn't a link list anymore it was a "hey look how many people I have linked, I must be really popular" list. So I got rid of the list and added a blogs I read folder to my favorites/bookmarks list. So yeah, I'll still be visiting you, if I ever actually did visit you, and yeah, you can delete me from your links list if you want, but still visit me ... OK, because I still need your validation.
Oh yeah, no more hit counter and no more of that other thing where you can trackback and see where all your visitors came from. I mean ... what the fuck, 80% of my hits were search engine requests for naked girls in men's underpants, and do I really want to know where those people came from?

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