Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Rich guy pants

I went to the St Vincent De Paul thrift store yesterday looking for books.
I didn't buy any, but I seriously considered buying the book that Wilt Chamberlin wrote just before he died, but it looked like one of those self-published kind of things, so I didn't, and I'm kind of glad I didn't because I have tons of books by real writers, that weren't self-published laying around that I haven't even read yet, and to be honest, probably will never read unless someone lights a fire under my ass, or offers to pay me, or fuck me, or befriend me for life.

What I did buy at the St Vincent De Paul thrift store were pants, and this is odd because I have never purchased clothes from a thrift store before unless you count the two suits that I bought the day that my father died, and that was an emergency, because where else can you get a suit, or for that matter, two suits in a small town on short notice, and you know what it is weird about those two suits, well, beside from the fact that they only cost two and a half bucks each, besides that, and besides the fact that they are still hanging in my closet seven years later, and besides all the other besides, besides them, the suit's were both perfect fits, and when they were new they probably cost a couple of hundred bucks each, and la di dah, la di fucking dah, and now back to the pants I bought yesterday at the St Vincent De Paul thrift store ...

After not buying the self-published tome by Wilt Chamberlin, and as I was leaving the store, I quite by accident went down the men's clothing aisle, and I looked, because what harm is there in looking, and I looked, and remember I've lost 40 pounds and two waist sizes over the past four and a half months, and my waist size is now 36, and my length is still 32, which is odd because for years and years my length size was 34, but that was back when bell bottoms were in style back before they are in style now if they really are back in style now, and they might be because I see a lot of people wearing them, or maybe I'm just having false post Vietnam LSD induced flashbacks to the seventies, or then again ...

Anyway, there were pants, there were lots of pants, there were lots of 36W 32L pants, and there were brands like Tommy Hilfiger, and LL Bean, and Eddie Bauer, and Ralph Lauren, and I bought two pairs of Ralph Lauren chinos, and that's what they are called, chinos, and they were like new, ok, they were like used, but they were in excellent condition, seriously excellent condition, and they only cost three dollars a pair, and that's like 1/20th the price of what they would have cost new, and when I got home I tried them on, and they were a perfect fit, and they looked great on me, and when I took the pants off I noticed that there was a dry cleaning tag on them, and the name on the tag was the name of the guy that owns three radio stations in town, and a bunch of other shit in town, and so these pants might very well have been formerly owned by the richest man in town, and not in a Lionel Barrymore/It's A Wonderful Life richest man in town sort of way.

And yeah, I may go back today and complete my wardrobe, and pick up that book by Wilt Chamberlin, but I should probably go back to bed now and rest my weary blah, blah, blah.

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