Saturday, August 05, 2006

You're out of you element

Let's see.

While I was stopped at the stoplight in Oscoda this afternoon a group of kids pulled a wagon with a pet carrier on it across the street. One of the kids had a sign that said Free Kittens.
Bahhhhhhhhhh, I hate cats.
But when the kids got to the other side of the street two kittens stuck their heads out of the carrier, and my heart almost melted.
A-L-M-O-S-T melted, but it didn't, but if it did I would have named the one that I took, which I didn't take, I would have named it Bozzie.

The Big Lebowski is on, and the commercial is over, but it's cool, so even though it's on regular tv with commercials and all it is on a Canadian station so it isn't edited, they say shit, fuck, and cunt, and everything.

I guess that's it for now.

1 comment:

hijacked frequencies said...

kittens are good for the soul....and they make tasty snacks.

my cat is gonna claw me in my sleep for saying that.