Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Television Alert !!!

Two of my favorite people, Jonnie and Sandra, were in the audience taping this weekend for an episode of Rock Star: Super Nova which will be airing tonight at 9 PM EDT on CBS. Jonnie said that after their favorite to win the competition finished singing Cat's In The Cradle Jonnie yelled out BOZ!!! as loud as he could in hopes that the microphones would pick it up. So even though I've never watched Rock Star: Super Nova I will be watching it tonight, at least until the end of Cat's In The Cradle, to see if television history is indeed made.


hijacked frequencies said...

very cool. i've never heard of that show, i'll have to look it up.

Kat said...

Boz, I watch the show every week and I didn't hear it. If only Johnny didn't talk like a Mouseketeer...

Boz said...

Yeah, another one of my dreams of stardom crushed! Hey, I like your eyes icon.