Sunday, January 14, 2007

America: sex, murder, madness, and the best damned ice cream in the world

So, I tried to watch football today.

I mean, I used to be a really big sports fan. I'd get nervous and stuff before an important game, and I'd get in on football pools, but blahhhhhhh, even writing this post about how I used to be a really big sports fan is putting me to sleep.

I'd rather write about getting high on Saturday night back in the 70's, or anything back in the 70's, everything was so much clearer back in the 70's, ok, if you were high things weren't that clear, but you know the 70's were a much clearer decade, wait a second, I'm thinking of the 50's, yeah, the 50's were a much clearer decade, I must have been stoned when I said that the 70's were a much clearer decade, and actually I liked the 60's better than I liked either the 50's or the 70's, and it's not just because I was young, because I was young in the 70's too, and really young in the 50's, but the 50's, I mean, everyday in the 50's we'd wake up thinking that the Soviets were one day closer to bombing the ever loving shit out of us, and you know by the 60's we were more worried about Vietnam than we were about the Soviets, and I mean really if you were a teenage guy back in the 60's Vietnam was your number one concern, that and getting laid, ok, getting laid was your number one concern and then Vietnam, but where was I, oh yeah, Vietnam and the teenage male of the American species.
Can you sense that I am slowly psyching myself up into writing a really virulent anti-war post?
That's all I have to say, really.
For now!!!

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