Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My eclectic blanket beckons, doo dah

So, there's a documentary about Charles Bukowski that comes on in about an hour on one of the premium cable channels.
I guess I'll watch it.
I mean, I've read some stuff by him, and it's pretty good.
I mean, I'm not a devotee, are there two e's in devotee, or am I hallucinating again?
Like I said, I've read some of his stuff, and oh yeah, I saw him give a reading when I was in college back in about 1974 or 75. The reading I almost skipped because I wanted to go to the student union and play pin ball, and I'm sort of glad I didn't skip it, because now 30 years later I can tell people that I saw Charles Bukowski give a reading, and it doesn't matter that I don't remember too much about it, and didn't he used to work at the post office, and didn't I once put in an application at the post office, but when it came time to take the test I decided to go back to college instead in the off chance that one day I would get to see Charles Bukowski give a reading.
But yeah, Bukowski was ok, but I can name tons of guys that I liked betterererer.
Vonnegut, or however he spells his name today.
Heller ...
Ok, I can't think of a ton of guys, but seriously, there are a ton of them, and did Neal Cassady ever write anything, and if he did should I have read it.
Ok, here's another one ...
The good Doctor Hunter S. Thompson.
And yeah, Kerouac too, and a lot of people don't like Kerouac, at least a lot of people I know, but I just don't why, he's not my favorite, but I like him
Oh yeah ...
Evelyn Waugh, the British guy, yeah, he's a guy, and you know he had to take a lot of shit with a name like that.
Ok ...
Huxley too, but that's an easy one
And Orwell, because you can't say Huxley without mentioning Orwell
And have you ever read In Cold Blood by Capote?
Well, yeah, I know, it's Capote, but you should still read it, go ahead, I can wait.
But you know, I never liked Faulkner, I guess I'm just not into cow fucking.
Ohhhh, Nathaniel West, yeah, Miss Lonelyhearts and Day of the Locust, all you So Cal people have to read Day of the Locust, because the Day ... of ... the ... Locust ... is coming.
Anyway, I guess that's it for now.
Oh, and John Irving, and Thomas Wolfe, and that guy from the Pacific Northwest that wrote One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next, and I really should know his name, and yeah, he hung out with Neal Cassady back in the Merry Prankster days of the mid 60's, and, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, the 60's, need I say more.

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