Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Things I know today that I didn't know yesterday

1. It isn't a disk in my lower back.
2. I have to get another MRI on Friday, this one will be of my upper spine.
3. Which means???
4. You know the thing where they tap your knee with a rubber mallet to test your reflexes? My reflexes are very brisk.
5. Brisk is not a good thing, unless you are Lipton's Tea.
6. I can walk on my tiptoes in my underwear.
7. I can walk on my heels in my underwear.
8. My whole body is sore today because of all the probing and manipulating that the doctor did.
9. He might have slipped a bad touch or two in with all the probing and manipulating.
10. None of what I have just written makes any sense.

Ok, what I am trying to say is. The problem is not in my lower back, it appears that it is in my upper spine, in my neck.
So the news isn't better or worse, just different.
I should find out next week what the next move will be, which I am still pretty sure will be spinal surgery in my neck instead of my lower back.

To be continued ...

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