Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My commas can lick your commas with their interabang tied behind their backs.

Ok, I was going to make this a one of those things where I make a lot of similar posts, you know, sort of like a short story but different, but I got bored with it really quick, bored and a bad case of diarrhea, and is that two r's or two h's in diarrhea(?), and I guess spellcheck will answer that soon enough ...
And yeah, it was two r's, so I'm good to go, and I think that dark chocolate may have had something to do with the diaRRhea, but that's only speculation on my part, and oh yeah, before I forget ...
Fuck OJ, and Al, and the late Johnny Cochoran(sic), and F Lee Bailey, and the white Bronco, and the glove that didn't fit, but actually did, except that someone scrunched his hand up real good so that it wouldn't fit, and Greta Van Sustern(sic, sic, sic, sic), who just might be the ugliest lawyer turned commentator in the history of the world, and what the fuck was she thinking with the plastic surgery, because I mean, you can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ass, and my god, she is one ugly woman, and the fact that she talks out of the side of her mouth doesn't help, and I wouldn't fuck her with a ten foot pole, or my dick, or your dick, or if you don't have a dick, your strap-on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

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