Sunday, August 21, 2005

On the seventh day he slept all fucking day !!!

Boz, quick, do something, you can't sleep all fucking day.
Get washed up, thank god you shaved last night, and get dressed ...
Great, the phone is ringing, hold on ...
It's my sister from Florida, I pawned her off on Mother Boz ...
Where was I ???
Oh, yeah, I have to get dressed, get out, do something ... ANYTHING!!!
God, I hate when I sleep practically all day, but it's not my fault, at least not this time, I was forced to stay up till four in the morning playing Toki Toki Boom with the slightly deranged Miss Moonie Moooooooooooooooooonives.
Anyway, I think I should wash up and stuff and go buy some gas or a thermo nuclear device, or a cheese grater, yeah, a cheese grater, or something.

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