Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Seven Seconds From Death

I swear to god, I thought I was going to die.
I had just swallowed my last bite of dinner, it didn't even have the chance to go down all the way, when I got a violent case of hiccups, the kind that start out silent but end up sounding like an emergency broadcast alert.
Then I started sneezing, while hiccupping, and I started panicking.
What if I burp, what if I cough, what if I fart.
I was staring death in the face and I knew it.
I coughed once, I coughed twice.
I hiccupped violently.
I sneezed.
Dear god, it can't end like this.
And then, oh fuck no, and then ...
I just let my body go limp. I knew this was the end.
I saw the light, oh yes, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and people, yes people, people that I knew, people that I knew who had died, were motioning for me.
Boz, Ken, Boz Ken, come to the light, come to the light.
So calm, so soothing, so peaceful.
Come to the light, the light, the light.
Then something happened, I'm not sure what, it might have been the heartburn, but the light started to dim, and the people started to fade away, their cries muffled ...
Ok, I've taken this far enough.
I hiccupped, I sneezed, I coughed, I had brain freeze, and heartburn, and I lived to tell about it.
Yeah, right, big deal.
I could have used the vacation.

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