Sunday, April 24, 2005

At the beep

I leave really crappy phone messages.
My tongue gets sort of all wrapped up around my heart and I just say things
True things, well, true things, yeah, true things, but true things that I don't know how to express, things.
But you know, I like to leave phone messages, because a phone message is me stripped bare. It is the completely honest me.
I mean, you only have a half minute or so.
That's not enough time to get your defenses up.
That's not enough time to collect your thoughts.
You have to react to the beep, you can't think, you just react, and it's pure emotion.
It's the emotion of the moment it's not the words.
That's what is important.
It's now what you say, it's not even how you say it, it's just that you say it.
This is a post for her.
From me.

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