Friday, April 01, 2005

Everything but the squeal

Did you know that I know that that it isn't unusual for a woman to pee herself a little when she laughs real hard, and I think I've probably made more women pee a little than come at all, and that's just a gut feeling, and I'll probably even forget that I've said it by morning, huh.

Ok, it's three in the morning and I'm here, and you're there, and the pope is dying and that girl with the feeding tube is already dead, and still the world goes on.

It's really nice to be liked, but I honestly don't know why anyone would like me. I mean, I'm not like a psycho or anything, I'm just sort of this guy, but what the fuck, I'll quit trying to figure it out, and just try to enjoy it, what, that, yeah, it, ok.

Oh yeah, the pain is worth it, and those of you who are supposed to understand it will.

This is fucking Pat O'Brien for Hostess fucking Ho Ho's signing the fuck off.

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