Sunday, July 31, 2005

I have no love for Robert McNamara since he fucked me in the ass

Ok, so I started reading another book today, another Stephen King book. This one is called Hearts In Atlantis, and according to the liner notes, linear notes, it is a novel in four parts tracing the effects of the war in Vietnam on a bunch of guys from 1960 to the present, or at least the present up to the present of when the book was written.
I think I am seriously going to love this book. I mean as long as there isn't any blood letting going on.

Man, my generation just cannot get past the war in Vietnam. It haunts us. It haunts us more than the Kennedy assassination, it haunts us more than the King assassination, it haunts us more than the other Kennedy assassination, it haunts us more than Nixon resigning in disgrace.
You didn't even have to serve in Vietnam, you don't even have to be a guy. You just have to have been born somewhere between the mid 40's and the mid 50's.
I mean, you had to plan you life around the war in Vietnam.
It was the albatross around our necks. It was the boulder on the edge of the cliff. It was the creature under the bed. It was there, it was always there ...
Fuck it.
I'm going to turn my brain off and go watch Napoleon Dynamite.

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