Monday, July 04, 2005

Darts of the Lawn

I seriously stopped going to 4th of July cook-outs when they banned Lawn Darts.
Lawn Darts were the perfect pre-fireworks 4th of July activity.
And you know what, the drunker you were, the more fun it was to play Lawn Darts.
I mean so what, if some "kid" got conked in the head, and suffered a little brain damage, the little punk was probably asking for it.
And, when did the 4th of July become a "kids" holiday anyway?
Hey, I almost blew my thumb off with a firecracker when I was 8 years old, they didn't ban firecrackers, did they?
Ok, big deal, firecrackers were already banned, but that's beside the point.
Lawn Darts, and beer, and fireworks, where do kids figure into that equation?
Man, I miss me some Lawn Darts, real bad.

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