Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The start of another short story I will never complete. A Fait Accompli

He knew he was in love as soon as she said she was much to pretty to be a lesbian.
To be more precise, he knew he was in love as soon as she asked him to please hold the first time.
He knew that some things were just a fait accompli, and this had been one of them.

Merle, are you there?

Yes, I'm here.


Yes, can I help you?

Merle, may I have your phone number?

You already have my phone number.

I do?

Yes, you do silly. It's 9-1-1. Remember you called me.

Oh, that's right, I did call you.

I thought you did. I mean why would I call you. You were the one with a problem, not me.

Yes, I did call you. It was about the two men fighting in the street outside my bedroom window, wasn't it?

No, it's about the two men that we're assuming were fighting outside your bedroom window.

Of course, how could I have forgotten?

Is that a question or are you just musing?

It was a rhetorical question.

Should I answer it then?

No, rhetorical questions don't require answers.

I wasn't sure. Rhetorical questions aren't covered in the manual.

Are you sure?

I thought I was sure. Let me check one more time to make sure that I am sure.

Should I hold?

Yes, I'm going to check my manual, please hold.

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