My soon to be Aunt Rachel, my Uncle Danny, and a not quite 13 year old Boz.

They were like my two favorite adult people at the time. My Uncle Danny had always been more like a big brother to me, and Rachel was the first adult who treated me like a person and not a kid.
Rach and Danny had met when they were about 13 years old when Rachel came up from Kentucky to spend the summer with her brother and his wife who were neighbors of my grandparents.
Years later she told me that she knew from the first time she saw my Uncle Danny that he was the guy she was going to marry, unless Elvis somehow became available.
It's been six years since my Uncle Dan passed away and my Aunt Rachel still hasn't gotten over it.
1 comment:
i thought i put this here but my pda must have eaten the comment...but i love when u post pics like this and tell the stories behind them.
i say that every time u postem and every time, it's true.
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