Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's a long way to Iowa City, but not nearly as long as you'd think

So here's the thing, yesterday was probably one of the best days I have had in my blogging history, which btw, in twelve days will be three years of history.
I spent way too much time online, but it was all worth it.
Can you believe it, I spent quality time, real quality time, with six of the seven other members of rw ... bs yesterday, and don't you just hate the expression quality time, but in this case it really fits.
Old friends, new friends, middle friends, and special friends from like two thirty in the afternoon until like three thirty in the morning, well, I told you it was way too much time, but still ...
And I think I've also found my calling in life. I think I should dedicate the rest of my life to fashioning existing songs into unique birthday songs for existing and unique friends and then singing them in my own existing and unique style.
Anyway, it's six thirty in the morning, I've had about an hour of sleep, there's a bug crawling around my monitor screen, and Garden State, which I didn't care so much for the first time, but which I now have a greater appreciation for, is about three quarters finished, and who knew that epilepsy could be so adorable, but I guess when you dig somebody just about anything can be adorable, and Andrew digs Sam, and I dig you, well the metaphysical you, or u, or ewe, and I think I should probably use my power of veto and go to bed.
And I think this post worked out rather well.

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