Saturday, September 17, 2005

If I sletp

I don't know what I am doing up at this hour of the mornuing,
It's kate, it's ealy, it's past the bewithcing hour but too early fopr breakfast,.
breakfast in the morning is nothing short of gl;oryu
But I made a pledtge, on the ledg ior my humanity thgat I would try this new fangekld thing , not drugs but you know the autotomatic writing tyope fio thiong where yuoui just start tyouing and follows where if leadss you to, too, 2 ...
So if I werer to ckloe my eyes and tyoe wuithg fioyr fubters abd ib e ibe gabd abd ibe fubger ib tge itger gbad wiykd tgat effect my sisnednsbiliteis>?

And for ten bonus piounts can, or will I be able to decipher this when the sumn breaks over the morning hahthahahahacga.
KLt qwas a noble expderiment that petered oujt somehwere between noble and experimentgood night.

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