Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sniffle, cough, hack

I think I am coming down with a sinus infection, but I am also a hypochondriac, so I can't be sure.

I've been way too happy lately. I think part of it is, well, most of it is, Amy has a birthday in a couple weeks and I am having a blast and a half buying all kind of off the wall presents for her.

Anyway, I need ice cream, lots and lots of ice cream, for health reasons, yeah, health reasons. I swear my throat is so raw, from my real, or imagined, sinus infection, and ice cream is the only thing that seems to soooooooooooothe the rawness.

All of a sudden, I'm getting kind of dizzy. Maybe it's the change in weather, or maybe it's something else, or maybe it's nothing.

I need to read more.

I need to practice the harmonica more.

I need to not be so shallow and vain.

I guess that's all for now.

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