Sunday, March 11, 2007

If you prick me do I not bleed?

I have to fast tonight after midnight.
I have a blood test in the morning.
I used to hate blood tests, or anything that involved needles.
Then after I started getting blood tests every month because when they were searching for the cause of my anemia, which was hypothyroidism, I started looking forward to the blood tests, ok, not looking forward to them, well, ok, yeah, looking forward to them, and don't ask me why, I just did, I sort of looked forward to all the different tests I had to take back then, the only one that I didn't like was when they took a c-scan, and that was because I had to lift my arms up over my head, which was very painful for me at the time, and also because I had to drink a lot of crappy tasting stuff so they could see my veins and arteries and other things inside my body that they couldn't have seen without me drinking the crappy tasting stuff, and oh yeah, as an extra added touch they told me that the crappy tasting stuff I had to drink would give me a serious case of diarrhea so I'd better hurry home after the test or else ...
But where was I?
Oh yeah, and then I started looking forward to the blood tests, and now that I am only getting them once, or maybe twice, a year, but I think it's only once a year, well, now I am back to not looking forward to them, and ok, yeah, there have been a couple of times that I got a little dizzy after the they drew my blood, and maybe that's why I don't look forward to the blood tests anymore, but you know, if the techs are pretty, and you can never tell if the tech you get is going to be pretty, or a dragon, but yeah, if the tech is pretty, then it's ok with me, and really it doesn't matter what they look like if they mop my brow and whatever other stuff needs mopping, because then everything is copacetic.

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