Saturday, September 16, 2006

Invention is the necessity of mothers

Ok, when I was stationed on the island of Crete I had a black friend named Wally. I guess we were both kind of outsiders, he was the only black guy, and I was the only boz, so we just sort of meshed.
We really had nothing in common. He spent his free time playing basketball badly, and getting high, while I spent my free time listening to the Jefferson Airplane and Bob Dylan and looking for secret ways to sneak into the library so no one would notice me.
We sat next to each other at work, and we would talk, and play scenes on each other, and then sometimes after a last night of working midnights we'd stop in at the airman's club and drink two for one beers at a quarter a round till we got good and drunk and yadda yadda yadda.
But really, we never hung around too much. It seems that whenever we got any free time Wally would just sort of disappear for a day or two at a time, like BAM off the face of the earth, but he'd always show up just when we were scheduled to go back to work.
Then one night, while we were on break, I was standing in the hallway of the dorm smoking a cigarette and shooting the breeze with the guy across the hall. Anyway, while we were talking Wally comes busting into the dorm and he was really high, and I don't mean normal high, he was paranoid, freaky look in his eye high. He stopped but didn't say anything, he just sort of stood there all weird and freaked out. I asked him what was up and he pulled out a switchblade and stuck it against my throat and started ranting about how the white man was the devil and ... you know that whole H Rap Brown, Malcom X, Angela Davis thing.
The guy across the hall got all bug eyed and was totally freaking out, and yeah, I was scared too, ok, I was petrified, but I knew Wally was just playing a scene, we were always playing scenes on each other at work, and this was not much different than any of his other scenes, the only difference was this was the first time he had ever stuck a knife against my throat, and since he was so high, I thought he might slip or something, and arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, slit my throat from ear to ear, but I was able to humor him, you know, I started playing a scene on him, I was playing the space cowboy to his black militant and yeah, he started laughing, and after a few minutes he got bored, or tired, or maybe he just came to his senses, and he put his knife away, and went to his room and went to bed.
Now I can't even pretend to know what happened to Wally that night, but I do know that the next time he disappeared for a couple of nights he disappeared for good!

Maybe I shouldn't post this.

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