Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Malone and me and the fifty question challenge

I've known Malone longer than I've know any other blogger, I think it's been four years this month, and yeah, we sort of drift in and out of each other's internet life, but still, four years is a long time in internet years.
So anyway, Malone contacted me a couple of weeks ago and suggested that we do some sort of cross post/guest post sort of thing, and I said sure, why not, and then he came up with the idea that we should both come up with 50 Questions for the other person to answer, and then post them on our blogs, and I think I'm still making sense, but give me time and I'll eventually wander off on some sort of tangent.
So yeah, so I don't take up too much space I'll post Malone's questions and my questions on a specially designed blog ... ok, this is where I start not making so much sense.
Whatever ...
My Questions for Malone
Malone's Questions for me

And you know what, even though neither of us knew what questions the other person was going to ask, there are a number of our questions that are (cue spooky music) eerily similiar.

I'll start working on my answers sometime today, but I don't know if I'll post all 50 answers in the same post, or, you know, do five here, and then five there, and then five more after that, but ... I will be posting the answers in here and not in the specially designed blog that is just for the questions.

Malone also said that if that anyone had any questions they would like either of us to answer that you should go ahead and ask, because we are both so desperate that we will do almost anything for a little attention.

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