Friday, November 10, 2006

Continuing with the "making stuff up" theme

Ten Google searches that brought people to my blog
1. It's not the ennui, it's the humidity.
2. Is Chez Whiz an acceptable means of post coitus birth control?
3. Celebrities with mongoloid children, is this the latest fad?
4. How do I get a pair of underpants off of my head without touching them?
5. I remember when the alphabet had more than 26 letters, or was this a dream?
6. In what countries can you marry a goat without being laughed at?
7. That time Mick Jagger had sex with the Utah Jazz basketball team and had to get his stomach pumped.
8. Does it increase you chances of getting pregnant if your dog watches?
9. How can I stop thinking about gay sex with one of the apostles when I am in church?
10. What are the rest of the lyrics to that song that starts out "I've got a condom in my pocket and murder on my mind"?

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