Thursday, December 01, 2005

Update- Shmupdate

MB is doing better, but she is still a little hesitant about walking on her own.
My new bed arrived today. It's only a full size but it's about 12 feet high and I need a ladder to climbing into bed. What???
Blah, blah, blah.
I had to get a new phone, well actually, I had to get a new answering machine, so I just got a combo instead. Luckily I checked one last time before I called the phone company and made a fool of myself with wild accusations about the crapacity of their maintenance department.
I have a dental check-up today, which is cool because I get to have a busty dental technician, and a busty dental technician assistant orally probe me ... bustily and orally.
My diet is working, so you can call me Slim because None just left town.

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