Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Even Don Quixote gets the blues

I don't get a lot of hateful feedback, but I get enough.
It's always from guys in their 30's who resent the fact that I am 55 years old but don't act like it.
Well, fuck 'em.
It's more than that though.
It's guys in their 30's who resent the fact that most of the handful of visitors I get are women in their 30's.
Hey, when I started writing this thing over three years ago I didn't write with a certain demographic in mind. I didn't try to cultivate a certain type of visitor. I just wrote ... whatever, hoping that someone might stumble in and liked what I had to say well enough to leave a comment every once in awhile.
For the most part it's worked.
Sure, there are times that I wish that I was one of those immensely popular blogs with tons of comments everyday, but ehhhhh.
I think I've found myself a comfortable little niche in my little corner of the internet.
I think I am pretty well known in the area of personal blogs.
I think my writing is fairly entertaining.

I guess what I am trying to say that if you don't like me, if you don't like what I write, if you don't like the way I lead my life .... who the fuck cares.

Oh yeah, if you attack people that I care about I will retaliate.
[See Previous Post]

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