Thursday, November 03, 2005


It was late, and I had been driving non-stop most of the night.
I saw flashes up ahead.
There was a lot of wild game in this area and I am sure they were muzzle flashes.
It had to be poachers.
I slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road.
I turned off my engine and sat and listened.
The only sound was John Cougar Mellencamp singing a little ditty about Jack and Diane.
I opened my door.
Ding ding ding ding
Looked around and got out.
It was still.
Maybe they weren't flashes after all.
Maybe it was just my imagination.
Maybe I should just get back in my car and take off.
Maybe I will after my head clears and I finish the cigarette that I promised myself I wouldn't have.

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