Friday, May 12, 2006

Why did my grandparents name my father Dillard and other flights of fancy

Ok, so my grandparents named my father Dillard, but why?
My grandfather was married twice and had something like fourteen kids, nine or so with my grandmother, and my father was the youngest of six sons, and his five older brothers had mostly normal names, there was Haskell, and Monroe, and Everett who were my dad's half brothers, and there was also Ernest and Lawrence, and do you notice a trend here, yeah, the names are getting more common as they go along, I mean after Ernest and Lawrence you might expect something like William, or James, or John for my father, but no, my grandparents throw everybody a curve and name their youngest son Dillard, I mean what kind of WTF is that to lay on a poor unsuspecting kid, and thank god my parents, one of which was named Dillard, didn't name me Dillard, and yeah, when I was a kid my mom used to joke that she was going to name me Aloysius, at least I thought it was a joke until years later when she named her dog Aloysius, and really, if I would have had any choice in it I would have named myself Kent, like the cigarette, well, when I was four years old I would have picked Kent, like the cigarette, and wouldn't that also have been a fine name for a Native American, Kent Like The Cigarette, but I'm not four years old anymore, and I never was a Native American, and I've really been on a Native American kick since I've started reading The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven haven't I, so I learned to live with Ken, until the internet came along and I became Boz, and I wonder what kind of internet name my father would have picked for himself had he lived to experience the wonders of said internet, because actually this post is supposed to be all about him and why my grandparents named him Dillard, and luckily he had many nicknames, like Pickles, and Pick, and Dill, and yeah, Dill was the name of the sickly little bespectacled kid who Jem and Scout befriended in To Kill a Mockingbird, and yeah, that same Dill was based on the real life Truman Capote, who was a childhood friend of Harper Lee, who of course wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, and isn't it odd that my father was also a sickly, but non bespectacled kid, who was so sickly that when my grandparents moved from Tennessee to Michigan when my dad was about seven years old, my dad made the entire train ride resting on a white satin pillow, and too bad Harper Lee didn't know my dad because then he might have grown up and wrote Breakfast At Tiffany's and In Cold Blood, tra la la, tra la la.
So, why did my grandparents name by father Dillard?
It seems that back then it was a common practice to give your children the last name of a politician or general as a first name, and I guess there was a Confederate general in the Civil War named General Dillard, but hell, there was a General Lee, and a General Jackson, and a bunch of other generals with a lot cooler last name than Dillard, and I guess that's enough proof reading, so what do you think?

1 comment:

hijacked frequencies said...

now i'm convinced we're related dad has a brother named Monroe.

this is getting spooky.