Friday, March 28, 2008

Just to let you know what's happening.

It's four in the morning and I'm sick as a dog, or maybe I mean like a dog, and my fucking keyboard can't keep up with my train of thought, I should back track a bit, I'm pretty sure I mean sick as a dog, I mean, because even in my feverish state being sick like a dog doesn't make any sense.

So, I'm sick as a dog, and, you know, sick as a dog doesn't make much sense either, so let's just say I'm sick, or as my doctor likes to say, I've got the creeping crud, or maybe he just says the crud, but I like creeping crud better because it's alliterative, and really, just how often am I alliterative, so cut me some slack, por favor.

Ok, I've got the creeping crud, and shit, that just sounds wrong, so let's just say that I'm under the weather, nah, let's just say I don't feel ...........
What the fuck .... a goddamn alarm just went off, and I thought for sure it was a smoke alarm, and I thought for sure that the house was burning down, and I thought for sure that I wouldn't be able to finish this post, so I ran out to see what it was, I mean, it wasn't long ago that MB put a hot dog bun in the microwave and set the timer for seventeen hours, and let me tell you something, that after seventeen hours in a microwave a hot dog bun is ahhhhhhhhhh, charcoal. So I went running out to see what it was, half expecting to be overcome by smoke, and the sound was coming from the bathroom, and seriously, all this happened while I was writing this post, and the sound was coming from the bathroom, and I don't have a smoke detector in the bathroom, and yeah .... fuck it, it was the little digital clock, I guess MB, or maybe even me, and yeah, I do some pretty bat shit crazy things at times, anyway, one of us must have pushed the little clicky thing and put the alarm on, I don't know, I guess it's just not my day.

So, I'm sick, and I can't sleep because every time I lay down, or lie down, and I'm pretty sure it's lay down, but I'm hedging my bets, but every time I lay down my nose gets so stuffed up it's like I'd need a set of allen wrenches to open them up, and I'm not even sure what allen wrenches are, so that should tell you just how sick I am.

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