Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday night with my eyes half closed.

It's a little after seven on Sunday night.
I'm watching the hockey game there is about ten minutes left.
I'm wearing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt.
I just did an inner burp.
We still lead the hockey game 3-2.
I just took a web cam pic of one of the hand carved Santa's that I have.
Here it is.

I guess it's more a Father Christmas than a Santa, because, WTF kind of Santa wears a long green robe.

We still lead the hockey game.
I want to watch Dexter at nine tonight.
We won the hockey game.
Did I say I'm tired?
And that I want to watch Dexter.
And that I want some peppermint ice cream.
And some Pomegranate 7-Up.
And some Ruby Red Squirt.
And some popcorn.
And do you have any cake?
Or maybe a nice marzipan?
Or some bullets.
Or a kite, the kind that you don't have to run with to make it fly.
I guess that's it, unless you want to ask what I want for xmas, and maybe I'd like a garden gnome, but you'll never know unless you ask.

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