Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What's up with the VMofD???

He takes a tumble off the top shelf ...

But he assures me that he is alright, maybe just a little dizzy but alright, and maybe his left heel feels like he has a heel spur but he's fine, seriously, he's fine, ok, his sinus might be acting up a little bit from the way his head hit but honest he's fine, and of course his spine is going to be hurting because he's had two spinal fusions but that's to be expected, so there is nothing seriously wrong, I mean , he was able to fix a meat loaf for dinner AFTER he fell, he couldn't do that if there was anything wrong could he, so yeah, he's fine, and don't be concerned about the numbness up and down his left side, he had that even before he fell, so that doesn't count, of course it did aggravate it a bit, but still the monkey is not going to use that as an excuse, or a crutch, but you know, he does have a crutch, no wait, he has a cane, and I think he's been using it, but that's just a precautionary measure, there's nothing wrong, trust me ...

CALL 911, CALL 911, CALL 911 ...

The above was a dramatisation, no VMsofD were harmed during the writing of this post.

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