Friday, January 06, 2006

Mr. Humerus meet Mr. Radius and Mr. Ulna

I didn't sleep much last night.
My left arm was killing me.
I don't mean killing me as in grabbing me by the throat, digging my fingers in, and shaking, then releasing, shaking, then releasing, shaking, then releasing, over, and over, and over, and over until my lifeless body lay in a formless heap on the floor.
Not that I haven't felt like doing that more than a few times.
I mean my left arm was killing me as in it FUCKING-G-G-G-G-G hurt with a capital F, capital U, capital C, capital K, capital I, capital N, capital G-G-G-G-G.
Poor Bozzie.
Feel my pain, and anything else that looks like it might need a feel.


hijacked frequencies said...

i think the capital N was a bit over dramatic, don't ya think Bozzi?

Kat said...

I'm sorry about the arm but I really had a chuckle at your last sentence.