Saturday, October 06, 2007

If you think I take good nature photos this is the reason why.

Jigsaw puzzles.
Yeah, we always got them for Christmas.
One for each of us.
They were the present we played with after the bigger and cooler presents were broken or lost.
My oldest sister and I were the puzzle solvers.
My other sister didn't care for them, she liked paint by numbers, another present that we always got, and talking on the phone to her friends complaining about what a lousy Christmas haul she got, even though she usually got more than either my older sister and I, and the reason she always got more was because she always complained about what a lousy haul she got, but that is neither here nor there, this is about ...
Jig saw puzzles
But I have to add, that she would be sitting in the middle of a huge pile of stuff pouting, while I was off to the side all by myself having the time of my life in the empty box that her easy bake oven came in.
Jig saw puzzles
My oldest sister and I were the puzzle solvers.
She would start them, usually all by herself, and after I got bored with the easy bake oven box I would go over and help.
And the thing is we always got the same two themes for puzzles every year.
We'd get either fall or winter country scenes.
And you know, after staring at a half finished jig saw puzzle for a day or two you start to notice things, like color and composition, and I guess that has sort of stayed with me, I guess, I guess, I guess ...
That's it, now I'm jonesing for a box of chocolate covered cherries which I never got, oh no, my sisters always got chocolate covered cherries, but not me, I always got a carton of candy cigarettes, yeah, candy cigarettes, and have you ever tried to eat a candy cigarette, it's like pure powdered sugar only hard and tasteless, and actually, I think the boxes that the candy cigarettes came in tasted better than the candy cigarettes did, and another actually, I think candy cigarettes were more hazardous to your health than the Camels that my old man used to smoke, and speaking about cigarettes and Christmas, I always got my old man a special holiday carton of Camels with a picture of Santa Claus puffing away on an unfiltered Camel like some kind of dope fiend, with the evil glint in his eye and everything ...

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