Monday, May 14, 2007

I love the sound of thunder in the morning, it sounds like my stomach growling

It's raining, and there's thunder off in the distance, and I just made coffee, and I had a couple of cookies, and the bottom sheet has come off the corners of the bed, and a truck just drove by, and my stomach just made a noise which was louder than the thunder off in the distance, and now the thunder off in the distance just made the house vibrate even though the thunder is still off in the distance, and I just read an email for a sale at an electronics store where you can get a 6 gig pocket hard drive for $19.99, and I was tempted to buy it, but I don't need it, and I would never use it, but I'm still tempted to buy it just like the 1 gig SD card I bought for ten dollars yesterday at the Evil Empire, I think I have four 1 gig cards now, but it was ten dollars man ... ten dollars, and finally, fuck it, there's no and finally today, I'm going back to bed, and I'm not even going to fix the bottom sheet that has come off the corners of the bed, because that's just the way I roll.

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