Saturday, December 10, 2005

Saturday night

I've been on an emotional roller coaster the last two nights, but I think it's getting better.
As of now MB is doing very well, sick, but better.
If there are any complications between now and Monday I will take her to the emergency room.
If there are no complications I will take her to the doctor's on Monday.
I think she is getting fed up with me hovering over her like a mother hen, what can I say, I hover when I'm worried.


dvl said...

hovering i think she can handle... it's the threat of pecking that worries her i bet.

(hang in there kvc.)

Jonnie said...

I hope she bounces back soon!

Progress report?

Boz said...

She's doing a whole lot better. It must have been the flu or some kind of 24 hour bug, but she is doing really well now.

Sandra said...

Phew... glad to hear that.

Kat said...

I'm late as usual so I'm glad to see she's feeling better.

I don't blame you for hovering. I would have myself.