Monday, May 24, 2010

Blogger, beat me, I deserve it for what I have done to you.

Blogger, please forgive me for I have strayed.
What's it been six months, a year, a lifetime.
I feel such shame.
Man, a lot of blogs have died, and a few people too.
So, I'm going to try this again.
I'm not going to promise you ice cream in the sky with diamonds, or cherry coke with a hint of vanilla, or boner inducing posts. I'm just going to promise you that I'm going to try and post, you know, every once in awhile, and maybe a hickey just under your left ear.

1 comment:

Fat Free Milk said...

I still think you're, kinda/sorta/maybe cool, Bozzius...maybe/kinda/sorta/eh?
