Saturday, June 07, 2008

I'm posting, ok, I'm posting

Ten ways you can identify a stalker.
1. She is jealous of your buzznet friends, and will probably sacrifice a small domesticated animal when she finds out that this will also be posted on buzznet.
2. She claims she lives on Guam, a made up place if there ever was one.
3. She has many cats.
4. She names all her cats after Martins Sheen's children.
5. She considers blood one of the basic food groups.
6. She believes the NKOTB live in her spare bedroom and the gay one is stealing her underwear.
7. She thinks everyone lusts after her feet.
8. She has an imaginary lover that looks like Jackie Earle Haley.
9. She makes all her important life decisions based on the findings of her Magic 8 Ball.
10. She keeps a Nancy Kerrigan dream diary. No, she keeps two Nancy Kerrigan dream diaries. One is PG13 and the other one is R rated.

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