Sunday, July 23, 2006

The cat in the hat with a baseball bat ... splat!!!

I'm just curious.
What am I doing up at five in the morning reading recaps of Big Brother All Stars?
I mean I could be watching the Girls Gone Wild commercials ... or sleeping, well, not sleeping, but that thing you do in bed with your eyes closed, nooooo, I don't mean that, you'd have to grimace to do that.
Anyway, I think I'll contemplate my surgical scars.
I'm seriously cultivating the Frankenstein's monster look, seriously, and is it stein or stien?


Unknown said...

Sorry, Bubba, but my scars have ya beat on the Frankenstein look. (it's "stein") I have one from ear to ear over the top, and four on each side by my ears, hidden by my sideburns (or lack of sideburns.) But we've both got the bone graft on the hip scars!!

Belle said...

If reading recaps of BB7 at 5 in the morning is wrong, I don't want to be right.

hijacked frequencies said...

It's like my bladder has it's own lil clock--I wake up most mornings at between 3:20- 3:30 and have to go pee. I usually don't get back to sleep.

Grampa said...

In general with words in German, when there are two vowels together, you pronounce the second. Like in Frankenstein. This isn't always the case and there are exceptions. There are also some strange diphthongs, the oe, as in Goethe, Goering or Goebbels, where the vowel combination is prounounced as er.