Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Don't try to lay no boogie woogie on the king of rock and roll

I feel like a spinning top that is just about to fall over.
I feel like Thelma and Louise as they approach the cliff.
I feel like the last haiku ever written.
I feel like a computer just before the please turn off your monitor *pop*.
I feel like the phone call you dread.
I feel like I've been slapped senseless by a copy of Moby Dick.
I feel like the lifeless corpse of Buddy Holly lying mangled in a corn field somewhere in Iowa.
Fuck it, I'm going grocery shopping and maybe if I find an inviting enough cliff out there, who knows.


c said...

oh no:( hope you're alright bozley


hijacked frequencies said...

u had me up til the buddy holly reference